#1 Rated Insurance Business Development Consultant in the US
What We Focus
on Expands...
The most comprehensive Independent Insurance Agent Training available to help you accelerate your business growth.
The Academy.
Developing highly effective business strategies is critical when driving sustained growth
and financial success in today's competitive market.
Agent Resources
The Academy is a training and business management consultant company with an extensive background in leading management and facilitating teams of professionals to excellence.
Team Development
Jeremy is well-versed in the process of developing high performance sales organizations. The goal is to strongly impact the culture of a team where results and accountability are widely embraced.
Sustained Growth
The ultimate service provided by the Academy encompasses profitability and sustained growth for its clients. The detailed areas of development are the 10 PILLARS OF A SUCCESSFUL SALES ORGANIZATION.

New Training Videos.
How to Fill Your Seminar (Video #3)
What’s Possible Seminar Marketing Success (Video #2)
How to Set up a Seminar (Video #1)
Home Health Care Product for Insurance Agents
Best Annuity for Insurance Agents
LIFE INSURANCE SALES TRAINING: How to Sell Simplified Issue Single Premium Whole Life Insurance

Are You Asking The Right Questions?
Discover the essential questions to ask your senior customers to fully understand their needs and provide tailored insurance solutions now and in the future. Download your free copy of the FACT FINDER and start building stronger connections today!